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Pee questions

Some pee questions and scenarios.


Do you have to pee right now



Ok. scenarios time.. You are at a park and really have to pee, where do you pee?



You are at home and you really have to pee. You try to hold it and 15 minutes later, a squirt escapes. What do you do?



For the last question, If you tried to hold it, you peed.
You are busy playing a game with your friends. You really have to pee, but you're winning. If you leave you'll lose.



Ok, now time for a few questions. How much do you have to pee on a scale of 1-10 (1 Meaning Not having to go, 10 meaning, Can't hold it much longer)



Do you like to pee yourself? Why?



Back to some scenarios. You are at the mall and really have to pee. The lines for the bathroom are really long.



You are on a hike, with a group. You just passed the bathrooms 30 minutes ago. What do you do?



few More questions. I will try to make you pee. Think of water. Waterfalls, fountains, lakes, rivers, ponds. What did this do?



Imagin, you're running and you really need to pee. You see a huge lake and try to swim across it. A squirt of pee escapes. You stand there, peeing a lot. What did this do?



That's all. Did you enjoy this?


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