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Toilet Scenarios for when you're bored. - Can your pants remain dry in these scenarios? Try the test to find out.
will you go out with me (ftmlm) - 13-15 uh ftm ik so disappointing or wtv
How fat I am? - Want to know how fat I am
For Bl1ght - Well, you were asking for it, I'm gonna try to help you
Bl1ght feedback - If you know how to make a test, I would like for some message to me in the form of a test, name it “For Bl1ght”, for me to take the test
How EMO are u?! - hwo EMO ARE U!?!!?? FIND OUT NOWWWW!!
Are you a stereotypical femboy :3 - Take this test to see if your a femboy! Girls allowed!
Would you be BEST FRIENDS with cozmite? - I'm cozmite! Would you be good friends with me? ^_^
would i date you - umm would i date you.. wat the title said ya freakin idk
How Full Is Your Bladder Right Now? - Whether you really need to get to a bathroom or don't need to go, hopefully this test will help you better understand that.
How Tough am I? - Think you’ve got what it takes to handle a tough opponent? This test will challenge how tough you think I am with quirky scenarios and tough endurance questions. See if you can outlast or outsmart me
Am I fat - Am I too fat? (Pictures)
How fat are you (for kids 8-12 years) - How fat are you
Could You Beat My Abs! - Do you have what it takes to punch my abs into submission?
what am I / OC - have fun playing as my OC ,what am I,

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