This is a picture of my belly resting on the top of my lap.
Based on this picture, I should...
Lose a lot of weight. Your belly shouldn't even be near that size!
Lose a little bit of weight. Your belly looks a little to big, it shouldn't touch your lap.
Stay how I am. I think your fine, your belly looks okay.
Gain a little weight. You should get fatter so your belly can rest inches onto your thighs.
Gain a lot of weight. You should get so fat your belly reaches your knees!
When I stand up, I can just barely see the tips of my toes. (I'm getting so fat that in this picture you can't even see my toes lol)
Edit: It has been a day since I made this question and I can no longer see my toes at all!
Based on this picture, what do you think I should do?
Lose a lot of weight! Your belly looks massive!
Probably lose some weight, you should be able to see your own feet.
Stay how you are, you're probably fine.
Gain a little, your belly would look better if it was a bit fatter.
Gain a lot. ( I'll probably never be able to see my toes again D: ) You should stuff yourself until you can barely move!
Gain until you can't stand up anymore!
I just ate a massive dinner and feel very stuffed and bloated. My pants feel really tight and it's hard to move around!
I should...
Go exercise immediately!!
Maybe go exercise later.
Do nothing.
Go grab a snack! Try to make your belly a little bigger!
Go eat another whole meal! Keep making that belly fatter!
Sometimes I find it hard to get up because my belly is getting in the way.
What should I do?
Lose weight obviously! That means your belly is getting far too fat!
Lose a little weight. You don't need to lose much, but you should lose a few pounds so you can at least get up normally.
Stay how you are. That's kinda funny lol
Gain some weight. Your belly is already quite fat, but making it a little bigger wouldn't hurt.
Gain a lot of weight. You should keep eating until you can't even get up because your belly is too fat!
I can barely even lean over because my belly keeps getting in the way.
What should I do?
You should definitely lose a lot of weight! That is very unhealthy!
You should probably get rid of some of that fat... It is getting in the way.
You should just stay how you are. A little fat isn't so bad.
You should gain some weight. A little more fat would make your belly look better!
Gain a lot more weight! Leaning down isn't that important, having a fatter belly would definitely be worth it!
I am overweight and have an above average amount of belly fat. My doctor tells me that I should lose weight to shrink my belly to a healthier size. My belly is currently fatter than 96% of people my age.
What should I do?
Lost weight! Listen to your doctor!
You may need to lose a little weight. Your belly is a bit too fat to be healthy. You shouldn't be that much fatter than other people your age.
You should just stay how you are. You probably shouldn't gain anymore weight, but I think you'll be fine if you don't lose any.
You should gain a little more weight. Your belly is already pretty fat, so why not make it a little fatter?
Gain a lot of weight! You should try to get your belly to be 100% fatter instead of 96%! You're already so close, why give up now!?
In about a month, everyone in my health class at school has to step on a scale to make sure they are at a healthy weight! (In front of the whole class!!!)
What should I do? (I am honestly kinda scared for this)
You should be scared! You better lose some weight fast before you embarrass yourself!
You should try to lose some weight before then. Everyone will realize just how fat you really are. (If they couldn't already tell by your belly)
You shouldn't worry about losing any weight. Everyone will probably forget after a little while. Just don't gain any.
Gain a little bit of weight. It could be fun to see everyone reactions to your extreme obesity!
Gain a lot! Try to get so fat you break the scale! Everyone will remember how fat you were for the rest of their lives!
Just skip school lol
How much weight should I gain? (I'm trying to be realistic, I can't actually gain 100 pounds right now lol)
1-5 pounds 0.5-2.5 kg
5-10 pounds 2.5-4.5 kg
10-20 pounds 4.5-9 kg
20-30 pounds 9-13.5 kg
30-40 pounds 13.5-18 kg
40-50 pounds 18-22.5 kg
50+ pounds 22.5+ kg
You much weight should I lose?
None! I said gain!
1-5 pounds 0.5-2.5 kg
5-10 pounds 2.5-4.5 kg
10-20 pounds 4.5-9 kg
20-30 pounds 9-13.5 kg
30-40 pounds 13.5-18 kg
40-50 pounds 18-22.5 kg
50+ pounds 22.5+ kg
Overall, what do you think of my belly?
Way too fat!
A little too big.
Perfect size!
It's very fat, but not fat enough!
It's a little fat, but could definitely get fatter!
It's kinda small, you should really gain more weight and get much fatter!
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