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Could you survive a Trollpasta? - Title says it all: instead of the run-of-the-mill Creepypasta test, I made a Trollpasta test.
r we alike - are you like me
How much do you know Gamer Chad - See how much you know aboutique chad alan
Assassin test - Are you an assassin or not find out
Black Cat!! - This is to test your Knowledge of "Black Cat" Manga
will you survive order 66 - will you survive order 66
Are you a nerd - this test will see if you are a nerd
Cool - Take this test again u might get better than lass time
Do you really like your crush? - This test will be able to tell if you really like your crush. Sometimes you think you like them but not always your mind is right.......
Does he like me? - The quiz for girls wondering if a boy likes you. Very accurate.
TDM!!! 2016 - Do you think you like tdm
Are You a Twin to Me? - Are you like me? COULD WE BE LONG LOST TWINS? (jk)
would i date u? (boys only) - this is a test and its 4 boys
Stampy test - this is a test about a youtuber named stampy cat and his friends
zombie survival (the ultimate test) - best damn zombie test ever

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