Welcome to NerdTests.com User Pics Area

NerdTests.com User Pics area houses many amazing, funny, and/or nerdy pictures that nerds and geeks of all types should enjoy. Users can both view and submit their own pictures to the site. Additionally, the pictures may be linked to through your blog or MySpace page... the code is even provided!

---- Top Ten Pictures ----

Pic Title Rating
Lightning In Volcano Cloud 4.36
Antibiotic Resistance 4.33
Lightning Stirkes Volcano 4.26
The Good And The Bad 4.25
Hydrogen Bomb Toroidal Cloud 4.25
Batman And Robin Sidewalk Art 4.24
Waves 4.23
Drunk Pumpkin 4.21
Supercell Wall Cloud 4.17
Tornado And Lightning 4.16

Click Here to see more on the above list.

Please choose one of the below buttons to further navigate this area.


Terms of Use: All submitted pictures go through an approval process. This is to ensure pictures are of good quality, and are void of excess profanity and vulgarity. Some pictures may have some profanity, vulgarity, and may be offensive to some people. The pictures may be link to (i.e. "hotlinked") through your site, but must provide a link back to NerdTests.com (which is done if using the code provided). Clicking the buttons above means you understand this and do not hold NerdTests.com responsible for the content on this site.

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NerdTests.com - A quiz site for nerds and geeks!