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How well do you know guns?
Guess what, I made a test and now you must take it >:D
What type of gun fires multiple pellets per shot, but has a slow rate of fire?
Assault rifle Shotgun Sniper rifle SMG
What gun do you see in the picture above?
M16 F2000 AK-47 Spas-12 M82
What type of gun is intended for long range usage and has a slow rate of fire?
Shotgun Sniper rifle SMG Assault rifle
What attachment do you see on the gun above?
Bayonet Scope Laser sight M203 There is no attachment
What type of gun has a high rate of fire and is most effective at short or medium range?
Assault rifle Shotgun SMG Sniper rifle
Is a rocket launcher considered a gun?
Yes No It could be
In terms of weaponry, what is a magazine?
Something you read, similar to a newspaper A cartridge used to feed rounds into a specific gun The part of the gun that you use to aim The part of the gun that you pull to fire it
The AA12 is what type of gun?
Full-auto shotgun Pump shotgun Assault rifle SMG Sniper rifle
What is a scope used for?
A scope is a multi-purpose blade attached to the end of the barrel Aiming at long range Reloading Firing
What gun do you see above?
M82 Dragunov SVD PSG-1 M16 G3 USP .45
What type of gun may be capable of any firing mode (Single, Burst, Full-auto) but is usually used for single shots and in combat is usually only equipped as a sidearm?
SMG Assualt rifle Shotgun Pistol Machine gun
Final question, what do you think of this quiz? (Will not affect your score)
It was good It was great It was epic It was O.K. It was bad Wow, this sucks
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