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Scared Wet!

This test aims to find out whether or not you've wet your pants because you were scared, and if so, why.


How old are you?



Are you male or female?



Have you ever peed in your pants before for any reason at all?



Have you ever peed in your pants before completely by accident?



Have you ever needed to pee so badly while trying to make it to a restroom that you were afraid you might wet your pants before you could get there?



Have you ever needed to pee so badly while trying to make it to a restroom that you just couldn't hold it in any longer and wet your pants?



Have you ever been so scared/ terrified/ frightened/ startled that you accidentally peed in your pants?



If you answered yes to the previous question, how badly scared/ frightened/ terrified/ startled were you the last time it happened, on a scale from 1 to 8? 1 means you barely were, and 8 means you were the most scared/ frightened/ terrified/ startled you've ever been.



If you have been so scared/ terrified/ frightened/ startled that you accidentally wet your pants, when it last happened, how badly did you need to pee at the time? Again, the scale is 1-8. 1 means you just barely needed to, and 8 means you were worried that you might not make it to a bathroom in time.



If you have been so scared/ terrified/ frightened/ startled that you accidentally wet your pants, when you last did so, how embarrassed were you by wetting yourself? Again, the scale is 1 to 8. 1 means you experienced no embarrassment, or minimal embarrassment, while 8 means you experienced the maximum possible amount of embarrassment.



If you have been so scared/ terrified/ frightened/ startled that you accidentally wet your pants, have you ever done so while in a haunted house attraction where you walk through and people try to scare you?


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