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pee your pants challenge :•

thoughtfully answer these questions asking about how you are throughout the quiz (intensity increases throughout, must be completely honest for true score). the objective of this quiz is to see how long you can stay without needing to use the bathroom. you can try to hold it, but I can almost guarantee that by the end of this quiz you will be wet and warm (we are not responsible for any destroyed floors or rug carpets). ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


first of all, how much do you have to pee?



drink a good amount of water and come back in 20 minutes. anything happened?



squat down and push for 3 seconds. what happened?



sit down and spread your legs. how do you feel?



drink another glass of water and come back in a couple minutes. what happened?



press on your bladder for 5 seconds. how did it feel?



squat down and let out one squirt of pee. what happened?



how wet are you?



sit on the toilet completely clothed for 2 minutes. what happened?



on a scale of 1-7, how much do you have to pee now?



squat down and push for 2 seconds. what happened?



now stop anything you're doing to keep yourself from peeing (crossing legs, squirming, etc.). what happened?



squat down and let out 1 squirt of pee. what happened?



turn on the faucet and listen to the running water. what happened?



now i know that some of you are probably bursting right now, so i'm gonna let you go, but don't, and i repeat DON'T let it all out (if you can hold it then don't go at all)



now, if you still need to pee, you can go to the bathroom. but the only question is... did you make it?


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Test by: avery [ edit test ]

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