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What would you do scenarios

This test will put forward a variety of different scenarios in which you must decide what you would do about needing to pee in each of them.


Are you male or female?



What is your age range?



(From this point forward, you'll decide which option you would be most likely to take in the scenario presented.)

Suppose you're lounging around in a chair at the pool in your swimsuit. Whether because you just woke up from a nap or were distracted by a good book or something, you didn't notice a growing urge to pee until just a moment ago. Now that you've noticed, you realize that you need to pee really badly. There's a line for the bathrooms, but it's not too long. What do you do?



Suppose that you're sitting on your couch playing video games and you're on the last level. You've been ignoring a growing urge to pee for a while now, but you're finally on the last level. Unfortunately, now you're so desperate to pee that you don't know if you can hold it until you beat the level. You can't pause, so if you leave the game to use the bathroom you'll lose and have to start over again from level one. What do you do?



Suppose you're at a sleepover with a bunch of friends. At some point during the night, you wake up and really need to pee. What do you do?



Suppose you're in your room doing something for a while. Whether it's listening to music, gaming on your computer, reading a book, or something else, eventually you notice that you need to pee. Unfortunately, when you go to open the door and leave, you realize it won't open. You're stuck! You have no idea how long it will be until the problem can be fixed, so you have no idea whether or not you'll be able to hold it until then. What do you do?



Suppose you're at your best friend's pool party, and you really need to pee. You don't know if you can hold it long enough to get a turn in the bathrooms because they're REALLY busy, and the line is so long. What do you do?



Do you pee in pools?



Do you need to pee right now while taking this test?



Do you like peeing yourself? If so, why?



Suppose you're taking a walk in a local park and have been drinking a lot of water to stay hydrated in the heat. Drinking all that water has had the unfortunate side-effect of making you need to pee really badly. You don't know if you can hold it until you're finished your walk along this trail. What do you do?



Suppose that you're at home alone and you're busy trying to finish up with some task or other. You REALLY need to pee, and you try to hold it so you can finish what you're doing, but fifteen minutes later a little squirt escapes. You don't know how much longer you can hold it, if at all. What do you do?



Suppose that you're at home with your family or roommate(s) and you're busy trying to finish up with some task or other. You REALLY need to pee, and you try to hold it so you can finish what you're doing, but fifteen minutes later a little squirt escapes. You don't know how much longer you can hold it, if at all. What do you do?



Suppose you're playing a game online with your friends. You really need to pee, but you can't pause the game because it's online, and if you leave to use the bathroom, your group will all lose. You don't know if you can hold it until the game/match/raid/etc. is done though. What do you do?



Suppose you're playing a game outdoors with your friends. You really need to pee and don't know if you can hold it until the game is over, but right now your team is winning. If you leave to go pee, your team will lose. What do you do?



Suppose you're at the mall shopping and you've been putting off a trip to the restrooms for a while. Now you really need to pee and the lines for the restrooms are really long. You don't know if you can hold it long enough to make it through the line to use the bathroom. What do you do?



Have you ever accidentally wet your pants? If you have, select the option that most closely describes your biggest accident. (If you suffer from incontinence, select that option and move on to the next question.)



Suppose you had just moved to a new town or city and were taking a walk around to familiarize yourself with your surroundings. A few moments later, you suddenly realize you're lost and you have no idea where to find the nearest restroom. You also realize now that you really need to pee. You have no idea how long it'll take to get you bearings again or to find a restroom, so you have no idea whether or not you can hold it until then. What do you do?



Have you ever peed in a natural body of water like the ocean a lake or a river?



Have you ever peed on the ground while you were enjoying the great outdoors? For example, while camping, hiking, hunting, fishing, etc.



Have you ever peed while you were on or in a boat without any toilets like a canoe, kyak, speedboat, fishing boat, or swamp boat?



Suppose you're on or in a boat that doesn't have any toilets like a canoe, kyak, speedboat, fishing boat, or swamp boat. You've been out on the water a while and now you really need to pee. What do you do?



Suppose you're driving a car on a road trip with your friends or family and the nearest restroom is an hour and a half away. You really need to pee already and you don't know if you can hold it for another hour and a half. What do you do?



Suppose you're riding in a car on a road trip with your friends or family and the nearest restroom is an hour and a half away. You really need to pee already and you don't know if you can hold it for another hour and a half. What do you do?



Suppose you're on the beach sun tanning and for whatever reason you only just now realized that you REALLY need to pee. You don't know if you can hold it until you're done tanning, and there are no bathrooms on this beach. What do you do?



(The next four sets of questions and answers will be very similar except for one detail, so pay close attention because it might change your answer!)

Suppose that you're alone in the woods hiking and you've been ignoring a growing urge to pee for a while. Now you really need to pee about halfway through your hike and you don't know if you can hold it long enough to complete the trek back to where the restrooms are. What do you do?



Suppose that you're in the woods hiking with a group of friends composed entirely of your own gender and that you've been ignoring a growing urge to pee for a while. Now you really need to pee about halfway through your hike and you don't know if you can hold it long enough to complete the trek back to where the restrooms are. What do you do?



Suppose that you're in the woods hiking with a group of friends of mixed gender and that you've been ignoring a growing urge to pee for a while. Now you really need to pee about halfway through your hike and you don't know if you can hold it long enough to complete the trek back to where the restrooms are. What do you do?



Suppose that you're in the woods hiking with a group of friends composed entirely of the opposite gender and that you've been ignoring a growing urge to pee for a while. Now you really need to pee about halfway through your hike and you don't know if you can hold it long enough to complete the trek back to where the restrooms are. What do you do?


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