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Are you a dark or light person?

Do you radiate positive energy, or suck it in and use it for whatever purpose? If you just need to know this is the right place!


First off, which of these popular pets do you relate to the most?



A ten-dollar bill, carried on the wind, lands on your shoe. After picking it up you realize it fell from the charity money bin a handful of feet away. What do you do?



You and a friend have seen one of your favorite famous people, by chance! Your friend approaches them as they cross the street for their autograph, but a car comes along. Reaction?



It's your birthday! Yay... But you didn't get that one thing you wanted despite all the other stuff. Reaction?



You are / would become popular because...



People who are older than you have...



You lie because...



You have to get out of your house. As in now. You first snag...



You think you will be...



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