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Bar - A Man And His Family...

A man walks into a bar and orders 10 pints of beer. "What happened to you?" asked the barman.

The man replied "I just learned that after all these thirty years, it turns out my father is gay!" "Ouch." says the barman.

The next day he returns and orders the same thing. "What now?" Says the barman.

"Right after learning my father was gay, I learned my brother was also gay! I might be next, man!" The barman is speechless, but all he wanted to say was displayed on his face.

The next day, the man returns, sad as ever, and orders 15 pints this time.

"What the hell!? Doesn't anyone in your family like women!?" the barman asks. The man looks up from his sadness, and slowly responds...

"Yeah, my wife."

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