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Restroom Lines

This poll will ask you questions about public restrooms, as well as the lines you've waited in for them.


Which restroom do you normally use?



How old are you?



The last time you lined up to use a public restroom, which of the following did you use to relieve yourself?



The last time you lined up to use a public restroom, how long did you have to wait before you relieved yourself?



The last time you lined up to use a public restroom, did you find an acceptable place to relieve yourself, or did things turn out some other way?



For those of you who couldn't wait until it was your turn, and had an accident because of it, how embarrassing was it when you went in your clothes on a cale from 0 to 7? A 0 means you weren't embarrassed at all by it, and 6 means you were as mortified as you could possibly be.



For those of you who were able to wait for your turn, were you able to keep your clothing completely clean, or were you already starting to go in your clothes?



For those of you who had started to go in their clothes a little bit before getting to use the bathroom in the previous question, on a scale from 0 to 7, how easy was it for others to see that you hadn't quite completely made it in time and partially gone in your pants?



Again for those poll takers who didn't quite completely make it in time, but at least managed not to completely relieve themselves in their clothes. When you started to relieve yourself in your clothing and felt them becoming wet and or soiled, how embarrassing was the experience on a scale from zero to 7?



How many times per day do you normally use the restroom?



Next, please time yourself and record how long it takes you to use a public restroom. If you're at home while taking this test, simply time how long it takes you from the moment you close the bathroom door, to the time you open it again. Remember not to wash your hands while timing yourself. Public restrooms have their sinks outside the stalls, so go back in and wash your hands after you're done timing yourself.

How long did it take you to use the bathroom?



Which of the following did you do during this visit, or attempted visit, to the public restroom? Please select all that you had a need to do or attend to when you got in line. Even if you wet your pants in line rather than using the toilet, you would still select peeing, for example.



During your most recent visit to the public restroom, did you find a clogged toilet?



During your most recent visit to the public restroom did you find a broken toilet?



During your most recent visit to the public restroom, did you find the toilet paper dispenser empty?



During your most recent visit to the public restroom, did you find the toilets to be filthy?



During your most recent visit to the public restroom, did you find a stall that doesn't lock?



Now for a question about your normal, at home, toileting habits. First, use the restroom, then time how long it takes for you to feel like you need to use it again. How long did it take before you needed to use the restroom again?


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