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The Orthodoxy Test

This test asks for your positions on crucial issues that help distinguish where you stand in the spectrum of Orthodox Judaism. A few caveats. First, if you aren't Orthodox then the spectrum of choices is probably not wide enough to include your views. Sorry. Second, obviously this test represents my opinion of where the lines are between groups. You may totally disagree. (Make your own quiz...) Finally, don't take the results too seriously.

Please note that the labels it gives you are really meaningless (mostly because the rules for generating them aren't powerful enough to give good results). What's more interesting is the percentages, which hopefully are meaningful and which I spent a lot of time tweaking.

Finally, it's impossible to "cleanly" score one category since almost all of the answers score (different numbers of points) for more than one category.

1) Daas Torah is

an essential component of Orthodox Judaism
important, but not necessarily binding
based on a real concept of listening to rabbinc leadership but extended too far
something rabbis made up to maintain communal control
What's Daas Torah?
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2) The State of Israel is

the work of the sitra achra
not religiously significant in and of itself and overall negative
not religiously significant in and of itself but overall positive
possibly a step towards Moshiach
Reishet Tzmichat Geulateinu
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3) Higher secular education is

bad, but necessary for parnassa
good, but mostly because its necessary for parnassa
occasionally worthwhile but often full of apikorsus
something positive and worthwhile
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4) Evolution is

not exactly kefira, but not true
possibly true. Who knows?
definitely true, and compatible with Orthodoxy
definitely true, even if it isn't compatible with Orthodoxy
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5) The Gedolim are

nearly perfect examples of pious devotion to God
holy men, but they have some faults
smart rabbis who know Torah but shouldn't be looked at for guidance in other things
well meaning scholars often out of their depth
crazy old rabbis
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6) Yeshiva University is

a makom tumah
frum, but just barely. "Not for us."
acceptable, although a little leftish
a good example of a centrist "normal" Orthodoxy
way too right wing
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7) Women learning Gemarah is

not allowed, although not exactly assur
allowed I guess, but not something a normal frum girl would do
something that should be supported for anyone who wishes to do so
very important to the future of Orthodoxy
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8) Tznius is

a woman's most important mitzvah
very important, but not the most important mitzvah
required, but not something to focus on
mostly minhag and there's a lot more legitimate leeway than people believe
not very important
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9) Being machmir is

an important way to grow closer to God
always safe
sometime appropriate, but often done out of ignorance
rarely appropriate and just turns people off to Judaism
something I never do
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10) Men should learn Torah

all day, even if this requires a lot of sacrifice by their families
all day, if reasonably possible, but not if it requires great sacrifice by their families
for a few hours at a fixed time every day
when they feel like it
rarely - I can just ask my rabbi when I have a question
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11) Coed activities are

completely, unequivocally assur
very much frowned upon
ok, but only for people "in the parsha" and only under supervision
usually fine
necessary for a normal and healthy society
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12) Kabbala is

the essential core of Torah
crucial, although often misunderstood
a mixed bag - some of it's probably true
mostly silly
totally a crock
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13) Segulas

work, and are very important
might work, so why not try them
probably dont work, but whats the harm
definitely dont work
are mostly avoda zara
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14) Female Orthodox Rabbis

are totally impossible and an oxymoron
couldn't happen because any woman who wants this must have an agenda
might in theory be possible but will never happen for practical reasons
may happen some day in the future, but not in my lifetime
are something we should press hard to create
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15) Science and Torah conflicts

don't exist because scientists are just atheists out to disprove Torah
don't exist because nishtanu hateva
don't exist because science simply hasn't caught up with Chazal yet
are something we shouldn't think about. Taiku
must be resolved because we can't ignore science
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16) Chazal

never erred even in non-Torah matters
never erred in Torah matters, but might rarely have erred in science
never erred in Torah matters, but relied on the faulty science of their time
definitely had faulty science and possibly erred in some history as well
did pretty well but made a lot of mistakes
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17) If the Rambam was alive he'd be

Right Wing Yeshivish
Left Wing Yeshivish
Right Wing Modern Orthodox
Left Wing Modern Orthodox
considered an apikores
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18) Television and movies are

assur and totally worthless
not allowed, but not exactly assur
ok in small doses but not really kosher
ok, but you have to control what you watch
perfectly fine
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19) The Internet is

a terrible destructive force and assur
really bad, but ok for parnassa
not great, but ok in moderation
perfectly fine
a great invention that increased worldwide Torah availability
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20) Cell phones are

a source of batala and terrible images
a disruptive influence that should be avoided by serious yeshiva bochurim
problematic, but the good outweighs the bad
really fine, but I understand the concerns
just cell phones. I don't even understand why this is a question
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21) Bible critics

are all atheist kofrim reshaim
aren't even worth listening to
don't understand the text well enough and ask dumb questions
ask some good questions, but we have good answers
ask really hard questions which we need to find answers to
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22) Isolationist chassidic and chareidi enclaves like New Square

epitomize the proper approach to avodas Hashem
are not for me, but I wish I was on that level
are not for me, but I understand the attraction
have some good points, but the bad outweighs the good
showcase all that is negative about Orthodoxy
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23) Reading difficult Torah stories nonliterally is

a perversion of Torah
sometimes but rarely a valid approach
occasionally ok, but makes me uncomfortable
ok if you can sort of back yourself up with an obscure Rishon
often necessary to make Torah understandable in light of science
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24) Left wing Orthodox groups like Edah are

not really frum
frum, but have a totally warped idea of Judaism
interesting, but not my cup of tea
often thought provoking but occasionally go too far
the future of Orthodoxy
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25) Midrashim should be taken to be pshat

almost always
when it's reasonable to do so
occasionally, but not usually
almost never
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Please allow up to 15 seconds to process your score.

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