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Make a story - Make a story (the cooler it is the better score you get :) )
How Well Do You Know Bananas? - BANANANANANANANA
Stampy Quiz - This quiz will test how much you know Stampylongnose! Good Luck on the quiz!
How well do you know Michael Jackson? - Are you a fan or do you just like his music
BO2 Quiz - BO2 Test!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What level of ssj are you - Are you a saiyan or higher?
Are you my secret twin - Well can you be my twin find out in the quiz! All the questions are all about me!!! Will you get them right ??
Does Jesus Love You? - How much? Find out here!
Do i like u? (girls only) - do i like u? find out here!
How much do you know about Naruto? - A knowledge test on the manga and anime naruto
Brain Test - This test goes for random questions to spelling,math,science and many more
Would you survive in The Maze Runner? - If you were trapped in the Glade, from the Maze Runner Books, would you survive?
Where will you poop?!?! - Read the long description kk baby?.
Stone Cold - The star of The Condemed.Know all about him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.......HELL YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
are you a hypnotised slave? - I AM MISTRESS SOLAR

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