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Are You True to Your Sun sign? (Taurus)

Taurus is the second sign of the Zodiac. They are reliable, patient and loves luxury. Take this test to see whether you are true to your sign. It's designed for those who are born between April 20 and May 20, but if you're not, you can still take the test.

If you're not born in Taurus and get 41% or over, you must have a similar Sun sign/mixed with other astrology in you. Sun signs like Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn and Pisces are negative in polarity and may have some traits in common to Taurus, especially the more softer signs like Cancer, Virgo, Capricorn and Pisces.


Your mum/mom gave you her credit card and told you to spend no more than $50 on it...



Your teacher is pretty strict and told your class to be silent until class is over and you had to tell something extremely urgent to your BFF. Would you wait until class is over or would you risk the alternative?



Do you play an instrument? If not, do you enjoy listening or dancing/tapping the beat or humming/singing to music?



You haven't eaten for who knows how long and you see food scattered on the ground...



You'd done something wrong and didn't get caught until a few days later by the police. How would you tell the entire scenario?



Your BFF was kicked out of his/her house or apartment and called you whether s/he can stay with you. How would you respond?



Are the movies, books and shows you mostly read and watch have romance or/and drama in them?



Do you shop at expensive stores?



How would you describe the quality of the food you eat?



You were going out for the day when there is a sudden change of plans. How would you react to it?


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