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Star Wars Adventure: The Malevolence

You have just become a Padawan. (Padawan means apprentice if you didn't know) You and your master are sent on a mission to destroy General Grievous's ship: Malevolence. Will you complete the mission and become a Jedi hero? Or will you fail and be a disgrace to the Jedi Order? Find out here on Part 1 of Star Wars Adventure: The Malevolence


Hello and welcome to Part 1 of Star wars Adventure! To start off the test, what gender are you? (This question does not count for test score)



Next, what color lightsaber do you wield? (This question does not count for test score)



Okay, now let's start the test. Master Yoda comes to you and says,"Time, it now is. Become a Padawan you will." You follow him to the training room. Yoda pulls a switch and you see training droids turn on. They take out their blasters. "Work on the Force, you must." Yoda says. How do you defeat the training droids?



You defeat the training droids. "Good, good." Yoda says. "Now it is time for you to build your lightsaber, the weapon of a Jedi." Yoda says. Yoda takes you to another room with four crystals in four containers on a table. "Choose your color." Yoda says. You choose the color that you answered earlier in the test. Then, Yoda gives you some materials, and says,"Start building. I'll be back in a couple of hours to check up on your work." "How do I build this? I never learned." you say to Yoda. "Use the Force. It will guide you." Yoda says. Then, he leaves the room. You concentrate on the Force and you somehow auotmatically know how to build the lightsaber. What do you do to build your lightsaber?



Yoda comes back in a couple of hours to check up on your progress. "Good. Excellent." Yoda says as he examines the lightsaber. "Now there is only one thing left to do. Assign a master to you." Yoda says. You go to the Jedi Council room to be assigned your Master. "The Jedi Council has come to a conclusion. Your new master is... Yoda." Mace Windu says. You say,"Okay. At least Yoda has a lot of experience with the Force." Then, Yoda is informed of something important. He goes to you. Yoda says,"Our clone troopers have discovered the location of General Grievous." "Great! Let's go get him!" you say, excitedly. "Patience, young one. He is aboard a monstrous new ship called the Malevolence. I have been asked to go and defeat General Grievous, and destroy the Malevolence. Would you like to come along?" Yoda asks you. What do you say?



You go to the hangar in the Jedi Temple. Yoda gets in his Jedi Starfighter. You get in yours. You and Yoda start up your ships, and you fly off into space. Yoda sends you the coordinates of where the Malevolence is. What do you do now?



You get to the Malevolence. It's flying over the desert planet of Tattoine. Then, the Malevolence starts shooting its cannons at you. "I think they spotted us." you say to Yoda over your comlink. How do you defend yourselves?



After you're done with whatever you did, you fly into the ship's hangar. "We should look for General Grievous first." you say. You and Yoda start walking all over the ship, looking for General Grievous. Then, some droids spot you. "Look, there are some Jedi over there! Blast them!" the droid commander says. "Roger, roger." the other droids say. They start to shoot at you. Yoda ignites his green lightsaber and starts blocking the shots. You ignite your lightsaber. How do you defeat the droids?



You keep walking and you find General Grievous at the bridge of the ship. "Hello Master Yoda. I do hope my battle droids gave you a warm welcome. And who is this?" General Grievous says, looking at you. "My apprentice." Yoda says. "Enough talk. It's time to have a bit of fun, wouldn't you agree?" General Grievous says. Then, he takes out two more arms, and holds two blue lightsabers, and two green lightsabers! "Four lightsabers?!" you say, surprised. General Grievous laughs evilly. Then, he runs at you. You and Yoda run at him. How do you fight General Grievous?



As you're in the middle of the battle, General Grievous slashes you and Yoda with his lightsabers. You and Yoda fall on the floor. "Guards! Take these two down to the jail cells, and lock them up." General Grievous says to two magnaguards. They take you and Yoda to a cell and they lock you up. You send out a distress siganl to the planet below. Luckily, there are three Jedi there: Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker and Anakin's apprentice, Ahsoka Tano. They get your distress signal and fly up to the Malevolence to set you free. What do you do as you're waiting for Obi-Wan, Anakin, and Ahsoka to get to the ship?



You and Yoda get out of the jail cell and you go to an escape pod. You and Yoda walk in the escape pod. You send the escape pod down to the planet below. You walk out of the escape pod onto Tattoine. "Oh no. I just realized something. If we sent out a distress signal for someone to come rescue us from the ship, and we're now here, then our rescuers are up there on the ship." you say. "Rescue, them we must, hm?" Yoda says. "Yeah." you say. What do you do?



You fly back up to the Malevolence. Then, you see a HUGE group of droids in front of you, and they're all pointing there blasters at you and Yoda. What do you do?



You and Yoda get to the jail cell and you see two magnaguards guarding Obi-Wan, Anakin, and Ahsoka. You and Yoda cut the magnaguards up. You open the cell door. "Hello Master Yoda." Anakin says. "Didn't you send a distress signal to the planet Tattoine?" Obi-Wan asks you. "Yeah, but we found our own way of getting off this ship." you say. "That was a HUGE waste of time." Ahsoka says. "Help us with our mission, can you?" Yoda asks Obi-Wan. "Of course." Obi-Wan says. "Okay, so you, your apprentice, Ahsoka and I will fly out and try to destroy the Malevolence." Anakin says to Yoda. "I will face General Grievous alone." Obi-Wan says. Then, you, Yoda, Anakin, and Ahsoka fly out of the ship. You see some vulture droids flying around the Malevolence. What do you do?



The vulture droids are now shot down. Then, Anakin says,"Everybody follow me!" You follow Anakin. "We should destroy the bridge of the ship." Anakin says. Everyone shoots missiles at the bridge. The ship starts to catch on fire because of your missiles. Anakin flies to the back of the ship and shoots five missiles at the life support. Then, you see an escape pod being shot out of the Malevolence. The escape pod flies out into space, then you lose sight of it. Then, you see Obi-Wan flying out of the Malevolence just before it explodes. "We did it!" you say. What do you do now?



You go back to the Jedi Temple, and you go into the Jedi Council room. "We destroyed the Malevolence." Anakin tells the council elders. "And what about General Grievous?" Ki-Adi-Mundi asks Obi-Wan. "He escaped as we were fighting. He's nothing but a coward." Obi-Wan says. "Well, congratulations anyway. The Malevolence is now gone forever. We'll defeat General Grievous some other time." Ki-Adi-Mundi says. What do you do now?



Well, there you go! That was Part 1 of Star Wars Adventure! If you liked Part 1 of Star Wars Adventure, then you'll like Part 2, which is coming soon! Also, if you liked this test, then check out my other tests in the adventure series. Search Kingdom Hearts Adventure for even more fun! I'm working on Part 2 of Star Wars Adventure, and Part 10 of Kingdom Hearts Adventure, so stay tuned! (This question does not count for test score)


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