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Can I make you poo?
Put on your tightest jeans for this test
How bad do you need to go?
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Do you want to poo your pants during this test?
yes maybe no
Have you ever pooed your pants since potty training?
no only due to sickness a couple of times several times I often have accidents I often do it intentially
Have you ever pooed your pants on purpose?
yes no
Where have you pooed your pants?
at home public place (school, work, party etc.) other person's house on a car journey on a bus, train and/or plane outside more than one of the above none of the above all of the above
Why did you intentionally poo your pants?
curiosity didn't want to stop playing dare other
Time for challenges. Sit on the toilet and completely relax for 15 seconds.
nothing my need increased a little my need increased a lot I pooed a little I pooed my pants
Squat and relax for 15 seconds.
nothing I need to go a little more I am pretty desperate I pooed a little bit I filled my pants
Squat and push for 10 seconds.
nothing I need to go a little more I am pretty desperate I let a little go I let it all go
stand up and push gently for 20 seconds
still nothing I need to poo more I need to go now or right now I pooed somewhat my pants are filling as we speak
Lie flat on your stomach and push as if you were pooing normally. do this for 30 seconds
Nothing came out I need to go a little more now I am really desperate I let a little go I messed myself
Bend your knees slightly and lean forward. push for about a minute
Nothing I need to poo more I am pretty desperate now I pooed somewhat There it goes
Sit on the toilet and push as if you were pooing normally for 45 seconds.
nothing I pooed a little I filled my pants
How clean are your pants?
Clean a little bit dirty small bump large bulge completely soiled
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