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Would you 'do it' with Jeff the Killer

Story: You and Jeff the killer just got back from a party that ended because some wine was mistaken for punch. Jeff unfortunately REALLY likes punch and now he's acting crazy. It really tasted like punch. You didn't have any but you promised that you'd hang out with him at his house after the party. You're with him in his room. He locks the door as soon as you turn your back. What happens next depends on your choices. Enjoy the quiz!


Jeff limps towards his bed. You are very aware that he is intoxicated. You--



He feels you touching him and chuckles quietly. He sits on his bed. You drop your keychain you got from the party and bend over to pick it up. He stares at you, obviously lost in thought. When you stand up you--



You go to a corner unsettled about Jeff looking at you like that. He gets up. This makes you a bit nervous. You notice that you are shaking. You--



You're mostly distracted by the trinkets you got from the party but you are still paying attention to Jeff. He's walking around looking at things as if he'd never seen them. He starts to stare at you again. You--



When you are completely distracted he rushes over to you and traps you in the corner, both arms on either side of your head. It happens so suddenly that you flinch. You press your back against the wall. You--



He strokes your hair with one of his hands. His hand starts going down your back. (Choose an emoji)



For the first time since the party he talks. "You know, I can't keep up this 'just friends' thing," he says brushing his finger down your face. "(insert name), *exhales deeply* I don't just like you as a friend..." His hand moves further down your back. (select emoji & reaction)



He says a lot off seductive things to you but your brain tunes them out. All you know is that he was trying to seduce you. As he talks he moves his hand lower. So far it's not even on your back anymore.



You're still trapped on the wall. After about 3 minutes of seductive talk he says "so what do you say?"



Either way he pushes his hips against yours and you both fall on the bed. You--


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