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What level rider are you?

This quiz tests what riding ability your roughly at, and also gives you 3 questions on horse riding knowledge. Have fun and remember, the results may not be 100% accurate as this test isn't that detailed. Enjoy!!


How long have you been riding for?



What have you done in your lessons?



Have you ever jumped?



How well can you ride the basic gaits?



Do you have any riding faults? (does your instructor have to keep reminding you to for example keep your heels down?)



Have you trained a horse before?



Do you ever feel nervous when riding/about to ride a horse?



Finally a few questions on basic knowladge. How do you halt and make a horse go fatser?



What do you do if you are given a horse that doesn't want to go forward, no matter what?



You are riding a top level showjumping course. Your doing great and you feel like you will win but suddenly the horse spooks and knocks down the jump, then canters as fast as possible while throwing a bucking fit. You are hanging on, but what should you do to calm the horse and not fall off?


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