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Are you an undercover princess?

If you have ever wondered if you were an undercover princess, but then thought "NO! That would be ludicrous!" And then continued on with your life, but suddenly you see the pink and purple ruffles of a gown underneath your jacket and then realize it's a princess gown and now your entire identity relies on you to figure out the truth of your life, well then this is the test for you! P.S. Be prepared for the incredibleness of this test!


Do you have a strange craving for CHOCOLATE COVERED ALMONDS?



Do you like to sleep?



What do people love most about you?



What's your favourite colour



If you could marry one of these fictional characters who would it be



FOR THIS QUESTION BE HONEST (PLEASE!) : Are actually answering honestly or are you just trying to be an undercover princess?



This is the last question: DO YOU LIKE UNICORNS?



Sorry that wasn't the last question: Did I get your hopes up?



Do you like peanutbutter?



Where would you go on vacation?


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Test by: Hockeygal_Gigi [ edit test ]

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