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Slendey Survival Quiz

Your coming back from a friends house one night when suddenly, you hear a scream coming from your house, you run to your house, only to find.... your family lying on the floor and standing above them, Slendy! Your mission: Survive the Slendey encounter!


You come face to face with Slendey, you are paralyzed with fear, what do you do?



Slendey starts to get made a runs towards you, but you already running towards your friends house. What do you do?



You finally get to your friends house only to find him sleeping on the couch watching Markiplier and Jacksepticeye play Gmod on his laptop, without warning, you grab his laptop and Slendy comes in, what do you do?



Your friend wakes up and you grab his arm and run to the back door, but it's locked! Slendey get's closer, and closer, and closer,



As you run for the door, it's also locked! You decide that it's the end... then suddenly, Jacksepticeye and Markiplier come in and break down the door! You all run for the Nearest police station with Slendey on your tail,



As your on your way to where you think is the nearest police station, Slendey grabs you and pulls you to where he can eat you, what do you do?!?



Your attack to slendey has cut his face wide open and reveales his brain, YAY! or Neigh?



As Slendey lies on the ground dead, you all start to celebrate! When, his daughter comes out of know where and makes you fall to the ground,



As she lay there also dead(Lot's of death in this quiz)
You hear a rustle in the bushes, two glowing eye's rise up from the bushes, "Go to sleep" It Says.



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