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Zombie Chow, or not?

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So, you're looking to see if you're ready for the apocalypse are you?



Alright then, well do you know anything about zombies?



What weapon would you use?



What gender are you?



It is getting dark and your car has ran out of gas, what do you do?



You hear on the radio about your family members holed up in a small bar in a small town, what do you do?



It's all been going smoother than gravy, until you hear a night glasses breaking and your door getting slammed, you left your shotgun in your living room, the decision is yours...



It's been 1 week without food, your water canteen almost empty, then you roll down your sleeves only to find a bite on your arm!



Your clothes are ripped form the last outrun, you see a camp filled with survivors you also have zombie blood from all the head-shots.



You hear that the army is using UAV Reaper drones to kill off the rest of the zombies, the next day you see a shine in the sky, what do you do?


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