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Are you a cyborg from the future

Take this test to see what side you would be in cyborgs vs humans


You are walking down the street and you see a hospital.Its sign said do you want A secret hidden computer. Do you go in



After you exit the hospital (if you went in) you see a computer.You walk to it and turn it on.Suddenly the computer jumps up and throws you aside. It says if you follow me you will get a robot arm. Do you follow



After you return from cyber space (where the computer took you if you followed)you are suddenly teleported under ground where a man says do you want to be fully human do you accept



Once you leave you somehow trap a robot. He says a storm is coming to this town and vanishes what do you think it means



You go to your house and find a note it says go to the moon to survive. What does it mean



You get a rocket and attach it to your Arm and fly to a giant robot. It asks if you want to become a cyborg do you accept



You find a device and activate it. You are teleported to the moon and see a robot it asks you if you want to join the storm do you accept or do you tell the army



You go to the army and find a cybor attacher 5272 you use it on a rock. You megnetise it and blow it up do you keep the weapon



You see a robot and kill it but its shrapnel pierces your heart do you save yourself via cyborganics or die



Are you awesome(does not affect score)


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