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The U as spoiled as me Test

This test will show you if you are as spoiled as I am. Each Question has at least 1 10 point answer. WARNING! I scored full marks on the are you spoiled quiz( and all my answers were real). I am a spoiled brat so if you are just as spoiled good for you. All my answers are at the end of the test.


How many People in your family spoil you?



If you had a really big tantrum in public that broke several items in the store and embarassed your parent/gaurdian(s) and he/she said so, and then afterwords you demand the most expensive item in the store (aside from what the tantrum was over) your parent/gaurdian(s) would say



If on a normal day (no special occasion) you asked for a brand new $30,000 car, yuor parent/gaurdian(s) would say



When your parents recieve comments like your daughter/son is SO spoiled they respond with



If you broke your mom's most expensive peice of jewlery she expressly forbid you to were, your punishment would be



if you went up to your parent and commanded exactly, BUY ME A DIAMOND NECKLACE, DIAMOND EARINGS, A DIAMOND RING, AND A DESIGNER POCKET BOOK!!!! they would say



If you told your mom you ran out of money an hour after she gave you your allowence she would,



If your mother and dad asked you to come talk about a raise in allowence they would most likely end up



If you did something your parents said not to and they found out they would



If you went christmas shopping for someone else with your parents and they brought just enough money to get the gifts and you saw lots of stuff you liked your parents would


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