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Com an pla 2 cee EF yer I dummie


How many fingers do you have



What can go up a chimney down but can't go down a chimney up



If Joe is 6 years old and Anne is half his age. Joe is 70 now what age is Anne



The person who makes it has no use for it the person who buys it has no use for it and the person that uses it never see's it. What is it?



A plane crashed into an ilsand. Most of the people died. Where will you bury the survivors?



What eight letter word can have a letter taken away from it again and again and every time you take a letter away it still is a word even when it is down to its last letter it still is a word. What is the word?



It has a head a tail it is brown but it has no legs. What is it?



Joe's father has three sons January,February and .....?



A mother and her three children were walking down the road when they met a man and said hi father but there father was dead who is this man?



A boy went to a fortune teller and the fortune teller said if I write your exact weight on this piece of paper you have to give me £50 but if I don't I will give you £50 so the boy looks around and dissent see a scales anywhere so the boy thought why not he would just lie anyway so the boy said yeah but when the boy's turn was over he gave the fortune teller £50 . What did the fortune teller write on the piece of paper


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