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Are you Able To Work At Our Shop?

For this test we will ask your questions. If you get a lower score than 50% we will NOT hire you. If you get higher than 50% than you may contact us on our work email.


What Job Would you like? (Does not affect Score)



Alright Time To Test Your Knowledge.
A costumer is yelling at a co-worker because the drink she ordered was different from the one she was given. What do you do?



Just so you know... Right now we only have an online shop! How do you help us out?



Okay. So I forgot a job. When we open shop we might add in a hair salon what do you think?



Serious question. Why do you want to work for us?



Do you have any experience with your job you want?



Will you have time and commitment to this job?



If you disagreed with one of the Co-Workers at The Company what would you do?



If you got stuck and needed help what would you do?



You go to work and you've already got 5 emails for new clothes! What do you do?



Last Question. What do you THINK our shops colours are?


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