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Do not take this quiz!

I have warned you not to take this quiz. However, you decided to dare.
Then have fun with these questions and keep your attention for the last question.
In most of the question each of the answers could have some ration.


You meet a ghost, and it tells you "Hello.". What do you answer?



You meet an extraterrestrial. What is your first reaction?



What is the first question you would ask the extraterrestrial?



Do you think that you are good in robot competitions?



Do you have a good opinion for people, who answer the proposal "Hey, why don`t you smell a flower" with "Champion in smelling flowers!"?



Do you like the song "Felicita"?



Do you like Sean Paul`s song "Get busy"?



Do you find bananas flavour and / or appetising?



If there were a yellow and a green team, and you were given the choice, which team would you rather join?



If I told you that I do not care how many stars you rate this quiz, would you believe me?



Have you ever dreamed of making friends with a dinosaurus?



Which word would you rather use to describe lions and tigers?



Which word would you rather use to describe elephants?



Now, be careful! The point of this quiz is actually to guess my gender on the basis of the previous questions.
Actually, you will like your result if you answer correctly this question:

Am I a boy, or a girl?

Here you should NOT answer what you are. You should pick the answer to this question, corresponding to what you THINK that I am - a boy or a girl.


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