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School Yandere 1

This test is just a fun quiz not serious, and plz be honest of what you would ACTUALLY do


So your a girl named Yui that is your picture on top and it's time for the after school clubs so you go to the art room and you see a girl covered in red liquid and an evil smile you:



If you chose screaming YANDERE then she got mad and took out here knife so your dead if you chose the others then you are still alive. Anyways you walk into the Art Room and ask if the girl covered in Red was in this club she said no and 2 girls screamed when they saw a dead body outside and the Yandere was glaring at you like you knew something you:



If you chose anything other than ignore she go mad. After art ended you:



Anything other than a bus or taxi she came up to you and used a chainsaw. The next morning came and it was time for the biggest test of all the Yandere kept staring at her phone you took a quick peek than ran to your class. When you got in Yandere was already inside and an evil smirk was on her face. You ignored her but focused on a piece of paper taped under your desk you:



If you chose anything except for leaving it there you were saved from getting suspended at lunch the Yandere wasn't at any of the tables then all of a sudden the lights what out and there was puddles everywhere you:



If you chose anything except for helping them find clues you got suspended or they thought you were very suspicious what clue would give away the Yandere?



if you chose anything except for hiding under the tables you died or you paid for her medical bills although the police has came to the school to investigate the crime and all children must remain in the school you know who killed the 3 students so you:



If you chose anything except for interviewing students it didn't help if you chose interviews who would you ask first?



If you chose diary you broke her locker and discovered:



If you chose why she kills ppl the Yandere got arrested and would you rate it good? And did you like it? Would you want me to make more?? Why am I asking so much questions? Why can't I stop?? Will I ask questions forever?



Thanks for taking my quiz!!! -_-


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