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How Well Are You At Making Friends?

This quiz is for those who are actively seeking friends/are unsure if they are good at making friends. Select the answer that is closest to your situation, as honestly as possible. This is not 1005 accurate, as every scenario is different. Please do not use this test as a means for gaining friends/hard evidence. Please do take this test serious a bit, thanks.


How do you approach someone in person you want to befriend?



How do you continue talking to someone you've known for a short while?



Your new friend asks you to hang out with them. You discover you have no plans on the day they want to hang out. How do you respond?



You discover you have nothing in common with your potential friend. How do you signal to them you do not want to hang out anymore?



You and your friend both have a crush on the same person. How do you react?



You and your new friend have a lot in common with each other. However, one of your friends begins to tag along on all of your hangouts. How do you deal with this?



You are hanging out quietly in a cafe when a person approaches you and starts talking to you. How do you react?



Someone who likes you a lot (And you are aware of this) approaches you. You do not reciprocate the same feelings. What do you do?



You and your friend have two different music genres. They try to turn you over to their music.



You and your friend get into a big fight. You haven't talked to them in a few days. How do you get them back?


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