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Would you survive on an island?

Imagine the terrors of your flight going wrong, taking a turn for the worst; next thing you know you're stranded on an empty island. No food, no people, no internet, are you capable of surviving this scenario? Please proceed to take the short test, and the results will state if you are capable of surviving or not.


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You're in your room, sitting on your bed; watching YouTube videos, just like any other ordinary day. Suddenly, you hear a knock on your door. 'Come in!' You yell. The door lets out a slight creek and you see your mother walk in. 'Darling, I have a surprise for you' she explains. You look at her in confusion and curiosity. 'We're going to Paris tomorrow! Pack your bags darling!' She continues. You feel...



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(This question tests your positivity and negativity. Negativity often leads to failure and loss, whereas positivity leads to winning and success, please answer truthfully, imagine you're in this scenario)

Today is the big day! Today is the day you board your flight to Paris! Your mother, father and you are waiting for the gates to open. Your flight number is 23, keep that in mind. You patiently wait in your seat. along with your mother, father and the other passengers who are also boarding flight 23.. Until your mother brings up a terrifying topic...
'Darling... What if the flight goes wrong' asks mum. 'Why do you think that?' you ask curiously. 'I mean, you've seen flights go wrong on the news' she adds. Dad looks at us in disgust. 'Why would you guys say such a thing? I mean it's so unlikely for your flight to go wrong. Besides, you're going on the safest flight!' Says dad. You look at him and say...



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Aftrer the strange conversation your father and mother brought up, the flight attendant notifies you and everyone else that the flight is ready. Everyone lines up to give in their ticket and board the flight. You say goodbye to your father, hold your mothers hand and make your way to the line. While walking you...



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Choose wisely...

Your mother and you board flight 23. You're now in the plane and you and your mum are looking for your seats. Your seat numbers are 33 and 34. You walk down the isle passing people but realize your seats are... Taken? Your mother calls a flight attendant and the attendant asks you a question. 'I'm sorry, there's been a slight difficulty during the seating arrangements, but there are a few seats available. There are seats all the way at the front, next to the emergency door or the seats at the far back, which seats would you like to go to?' Asks the flight attendant. Your mother looks at her and thinks. 'I'm not sure, where do you want to sit darling? I don't mind' says mum. You look at her and say 'Mum, I think we should sit at...



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Your mother and you sit at the seats you chose. 'Oh my god I'm so excited for this darling? Are you excited?' Asks your mum. Before you could answer the plane starts taking off, giving off such loud noises that your mum can't even hear you. After about 3-5 minutes the noises stop and the plane is safely in the air flying smoothly. 'Ladies and gentleman, flight 23 is now in the air, make sure your seat belts are fastened, please do not smoke, thank you and we hope you enjoy your flight!' Announces the pilot through the speaker. You look outside of your small window and you see all the puffy white clouds and the clear blue sky, you are amazed by the beautiful scenery! You shut your window and you...



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Whilst doing what you're doing, you hear a loud crash and a massive blue light shine for a second. Everyone starts looking outside and pointing. You look out the window and you see dark clouds... It's so dark it actually looks like it's night time. You see another lightning strike not too far from the plane and you hear babies and children start crying after. 'What's going on?' Asks mum. 'Lightning! Look out the window! It's like right next to the plane!' You explain. You both look out the window. You start to hear thunder boom from every direction and more babies crying. 'Passengers of flight 23, it appears that we have bad weather, which is very unfortunate. If the weather continues like this, we may have to make an emergency landing immediately, please remain calm, thank you' says the pilot through the speakers. You begin to feel nervous and scared, what if the plane gets struck... What will dad do knowing we died? You try to calm yourself down by closing your eyes and covering your ears... As you hear another lightning strike, you feel



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...Your journey begins...

Whilst in your seat trying to cover your ears, you hear a extremely loud boom, so loud your ears begin to ring. A huge blue light flashes for a second. The plane starts vibrating and you begin to hear passengers scream and get out of their seats, babies screaming and children running around crying. Your mum grabs you in fear and tucks her head on your lap, you can hear her crying slowly and feel her tears on your pants. 'Passengers! Passages! Please remain seated, fasten your seat belts! Passengers! Calm down!' Cries the pilot through the speaker. Everyone is just going crazy and no one is listening. Sudden, you hear the plane begin to drop. Your stomach begins to have that funny feeling, you have to find a safe place to hide! Where do you hide?



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You wake up to intense pains around your knees and head. You feel blood running down your face and you can't even feel your feet. You struggle to even move. You looked around and see many people, lying everywhere. Dead. Blood is everywhere, you're the only one that survived the crash. There are clothes and pillows everywhere. You can't get up, so you proceed to drag yourself around. You drag yourself to...



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You manage to make it out of the plane. You look around and see an island. It's surrounded by water, there are many trees and hills on the island. You even see a few birds flying around. You feel your stomach growling... You're hungry, your legs and muscles are aching, you're bleeding. You're thirsty. You first...



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Your father is sitting down reading the newspaper. He is happy for you and mum to at Paris and he hopes you guys have a safe flight. Whilst reading the paper, he hears 'Breaking news' coming from the TV. He sits down on the couch and listens to what the reporter has to say. 'Flight 23 which was on its way to Paris has dissapeared off the radar. We can hear no signals from the pilot whatsoever and investigators are going over to look for the plane. 244 passengers have boarded the plane, and our prayers go out to them. Many theorize that the plane crashes, whilst many say it was just a technical difficulty and they're okay' continues the reporter. Your father turns off the TV and holds onto his chest. 'What?' He whispers. He faints in shock. Your poor father... How do you feel?



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Whilst doing what you're doing, you hear loud sqwuaks coming from the sky. You look up and see a very big bird coming at you, with big sharp claws spread wide open. It keeps violently sqwuaking, you...



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You open your eyes and look around. The bird dint scratch you. It didn't touch you at all. You look around, did it fly away? You look down and see the bird laying. Do you think it's dead? It must've hit the ground because it was flying down at a fast pace. Yay! Your safe. But what do you do now?



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While walking away from the dead bird, you hear something shake. You look behind you and you see the bird begin to move its wings. It is sqwuaking angrily, you...



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You ate the bird you killed earlier. Thankfully you're not thirsty or hungry anymore, and your wounds are healing and the pain is beginning to stop. You then feel a drop of water smack into your face, then another, and another until it begins to heavily rain. You...



(Doesn't affect score)

You innocently sit under the bush desperate for coverage from the cold rain. Suddenly, you hear a loud... Helicopter? You get up and see a helicopter coming your way. You wave your hands up and down and scream to notify the helicopter that you're alive. The helicopter slowly descends in front of you and lands safely on the sand. Fire fighters jump out of the helicopter and begin to put out the flames from the crashed plane and investigators look for survivors. In the men's gimme, 2 firefights run to you, they grab you into their arms and carry you into the helicopter.

The story ends here... You were saved, but sadly... Your mum didn't make it...

One last question. Did you like this test? :)


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