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The story Quiz

There will be story and then Questions answer them all and see you're score


So one Day at school jack was walking to his class when he saw a girl her name was jane he had a crush on here what should jack do?



Jack walked to class sat down{2 hours later}the bell rang it was reccec time his friend said race ya there so they both ran {get the code right so jack can beat his friend}Code:6958HS56



Jack won his friend his friend said you're a pretty fast racer and then.....came a popular kid his name was jarred...jarred was a poupular kid when jarred said arm vessel to jack jack agreed he wanted to show her how strong he was{pay close attention find this symbol in the answers so jack can beat jarred symbol:/..,,'';;;



Jack beat jarred jane seemed surprised but jarred lied and said its because i had to help my a lot with the ice so his hands were slippery but jack got angry his hands weren't slipper jane said WOW YOURE SO AWSOME!jack looked sad{bell rang}jack walked to his class{what do you think jack should do think right}



Jack was in class the teacher called him up and told him......can you answer these questions for me jack.{help jack pick the right answers}Questions:do fish grow pretty quickly is reading important than math is having fun important than being grumpy all day.



{bell rings}after that it was p.e time jack went to p.e jane was there the coach said he will be testing on how many push up the kids can do jack wanted to impress jade and do as many push up when it was his turn he was ready{i want you to figgure out how to do these symbols so jack can impress jane}#9-+)--*(&^%%



{bell rings}it was time for second recess jane came up to jack and said hi jack said hey jane said sure a cool guy {help jack say something not to embarrassing}



{bell rings}time to eat food when jack got his table jane was in front of him jane said he jack do you want that ice cream if you don't can i have it?{help jack decide if he should give the ice cream to jane}



after lunch time jack went to class and the teacher said tomorrows thanksgiving decide who sure thanksgiving should be {help jack decide who his thanksgiving should be}



after class it was time to go home jack walked home with a sad face and then he heard someone yell jack it was jane jack said ya jana said thx for everything{kisses on cheeks} {what should jack do }



The end.would you like some more story quizez?if you do like it rate this quiz a 5 star thx for everything!


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