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Just so you know...

This test is to test your general knowledge overall, the higher your score the better you will feel about your knowledge of these RANDOM facts, so good luck!


Did the Native Irish build Stonehenges?



The 2nd Largest Software Corporation who owns Sungate AS WELL as Java is an American Corporation who ALSO owns 1 of the Hawaiian Islands, this company is called...



What two nations own at least ONE city that has the name Dublin?



We are currently in America in the midst of what?



Did the Northern Irish support Home Rule in the early 20th century?



The Next Industrial Revolution will also be known as...



Are Purebreds healthy hounds?



Which two countries (There are more) are part of the British Commonwealth?



True or False:
There are over 1,000 dead bodies in the Great Wall of China due to the fact that several workers died making it.



"To Hell or to Connaught!" is a quote from what?



This famous American Author was not appreciated at his time and was shunned by most of Society and is credited for his work in the literary field writing such books as "The Raven" and "The Tell-Tale Heart"



This aspect of the human mind is called what? And what was it referenced by and by who?


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