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Are You Intelligent?

This test is designed to allow you and others to understand their cognizant ability to assist people, including themselves, to gain the power of accurate knowledge.


when you read news reports from others, do you personally validate it's source?



You are told that this is an official American flag. Do you:



you are suddenly approached by a friend who is emotionally distressed. do you:



The physics of your world are dynamically changing rapidly around you. What do you do?



Do you believe your rights and freedoms are granted, or do they need to be maintained?



I frequently monitor events involving extra terrestrial significance



Do you remain secure within a religion, or have you expanded your understanding of religion?



You are given information, which instantly sends a shiver down your spine. What do you do?



A violent riot breaks out all around you, and you find a police officer who has been injured. You:



"Experts" are warning that World War 3 is about to take place. What do you do?


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Test by: Richard X. Nelson [ edit test ]

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