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How smart are you?

This test determines how smart you are


There's a monkey on the tree and a monkey on the ground. How many monkeys altogether?



Why is the sky blue?



I ate a banana. Then I ate an apple. What is the first thing I ate?



What kind of cheese is made backwards?



If a triangle becomes redder than a cheese, why did Patrick fall off the back of a fridge?



If I go back in time to a time before my parents met and then I married my to-be mother and have a child, is it possible for that child to grow up and go back in time to a time before I went back in time and marry his to-be mother and have a child and making this cycle go on forever?
In other words, is it possible for me to be my own ancestor/father?



Which answer below is correct?



How many legs does a lobster have?



What is wood made from?



Do you think you are smart?


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