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What would your signature weapon be?

This test is to determine what your signature weapon would be in a game or movie. Be it an M4, Katana, MP5, Minigun, flamethrower or even a laser cannon.


Long, medium or close range?



The FBI is bashing down your door, seeing as you were recently framed of murder. You have a sword, a machinegun, an assault rifle and a pistol at your disposal. What do you do?



You are a Russian soldier in the soviet invasion of Seattle, an event from World in Conflict. What role do you choose?



It is the zombie apocalypse. What weapon do you claim as your instrument of undead destruction?



A foreign military is attempting to invade your country, and you are drafted into the army as an effort to help the war. What weapon do you choose from the militia's armory?



You are one of the last men remaining during a hostile attack on your base. There is a variety of stationary weapons at your disposal. Which one do you choose?



You are leading an offensive on a hostile city. From where do you command your forces?



How much experience do you have with shooting guns?



Which order of work would you choose in the military?



What did you think of the test? (Will not affect answer.)


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