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Are you smoking weed right now?

Greetings, dear humanoid being. I suggest you have 2 arms and 2 legs and maybe if you are lucky you also have a head connected to a neck, which is probably connected to your torso. Who knows, the universe is endless. But since the old stone age times, the young pioneer named Bison Stone Jr. asked himself this one question - Will there ever be a 19 year old woman using something which the whole world uses that will make a test with it called, "Are you dank bruh". However, I never liked this person so I did not call this test "Are you dank, bruh". I hope you enjoy this unforgettable quiz that will haunt you for the rest of your life, an action packed adventure filled with witty one liners and long vahahahahahahaha's that you won't ever forget - It is fun for the whole family. Rated 811/967 by the IMDB quiz board.


What are you carrying in your left hand



Do you own drugs?



Have you ever watched Breaking Bad?



If an apocalypse happened, what would be your biggest concern?



Do you have half naked Puerto Rican women doing chemistry in your basement?



Do you like winnie the pooh?



Finish the word sm_ _ _ _



Are pink elephants in your living room?



Have you ever gone around throwing midgets into the air and making them pee themselves?



What would you rather want


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