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Are you falling in love?

hey it's ur emo girl here and what's up everyone? i'm fine... so if u saw my other test what is ur feeling? i'm so sorry tht it wasn't as good as some of my other quizes. so are u falling for him/her? or is it just friendzone stuff? i know tht ur not sure or just know tht ur feeling something in ur heart well go on...


Alright first gender and age...



do u feel like there's butterflies in ur stomach, awkward, shaky, anxietyish, or shy?



when he/she passes by u how do u feel?



when u guys talk to eachother how do u feel and what do u do?



Boys question (girls just pretend to be a guy for this): when u see her crying how do u feel about it and what would u do?



Girls question (guys just pretend to be a girl): when u miss him over the summer or during vacation what do u do and how do u feel?



does he/she like u?



do u daydream/dream about them?



do u guys have things in common?



okie result time bye!


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