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Will you survive!

Lets focus on the "what if's" what if a zombie apocalypse broke out all over the world. what if an alien space ship parked in your back yard. what if all this happened and you weren't prepared. Well take this test to find out the most safe and efficient way to survive.


You are in a zombie apocalypse. You just found out. What do you do first?



An alien ship has landed in your backyard. What do you do?



5 blood thirsty vampyres run at you. What do you do?



A pack of wild werewolves are chasing you. what do you do!



there is a dangerous man chasing you down an alley with a knife. What do you do?



A witch has cast a deadly spell on you. What do you do?



A giant crocodile has gotten loose out of military confinement. What do you do?



your locked in a house with a demon. what do you do?



A person has trapped you inside there house but have not tied you up. what do you do?



a strange man on the street has given you something to drink. Its poison. what do you do?


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