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Your Life Your Story 2

Hey I am the same girl who made Your Life Your Story. Well now here is a new one. You play a shy girl named Clover.


That is you. You just moved here you. You are lost but you later see a boy he ask you"do you need help" You..



The boy and you hit it off. You start to like him. You think he is going in for a kiss you...



If you kissed him he is weirded out and never talks to you again. So is he talking to you?



He was reaching in for his keys. As he leaves he hugs you. You blush really hard. But as you leave a rude blonde girl slaps you... you....



If you slapped her harder you got arrested. If you did any other choice Josh told you that Neina slapped you because she was jealous. Are you arrested?



Josh hangs out with you. He actually is about to kiss you. You are super excited about it you...



If you pushed or turned down Josh he never talks to you. If not Josh tells you he loves you he wants to be with you. Is Josh still speaking to you...



Niana cries after hearing that. You finally found love! You are happy. Niana agrees to be your friend you...



If you hit Niana you were arrested. Are you arrested?



I own none of the images I used in my test. Did you like my test?


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