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A little bit of a copy of a test called hegp me which had misspelling problems. Not a total copy though. Anyway I'm trapped in my ipad and u have to save me! Good luck.


Help I'm trapped in here!



There's a password to set me free! There's a clue to what it is as well. First clue: this password is a sentence, you need the first word. The first word is manners and starts with th. What is the first word?



Second clue: this word has a ' between 2, the only 2 letters In this word. I AM hoping you figure it out. What is the next word?



Third clue: the third word is what something you normally buy is when it has no charge, it also can mean your not a slave. What word am I?



Last clue: take away the k in a certain word, this word means at the moment.



Ok now, if you know the real password, there's a few more things out need.



You need: kindness, a cupcake, candy, hot cocoa, a big heart, and an imagination.



Ok now stir those together and say the password. Then drink the mixture.



I may be free and I may not, if your results say u freed me, good job, if they say I'm still trapped...curse you now I'm gonna die in here!



Have a nice day!


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