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The derp test

This is a test to challenge your true mental capability. The truth is you probably aren't as smart as the mighty and ultimate "derp". Good luck just remember not to say derp while you do the test. The answers are not as obvious as you think.


I've met a man on London bridge he tipped his hat And drew his cane. In this limerick I've said his name. What's his name?



There's a catch in this question.



What's golden but ain't shiny?



What's at the end of time the beginning of eternity the end of space and before every end?



How many people are in this sentence? I know that he knows that my perverted uncle knows that she likes to put her middle finger up at that three year old.



Now, how many people are in this sentence: there are three people in this sentence.



Ok how do you change the position of only 2 digits in this equation (without including + or = signs) to make it correct? 10+2=104? To make this fair don't look at the answers until you solve the equation only because the answer becomes obvious once u see it.



Be quick and say the first answer that comes to mind when you read this-what do cows drink?



What's full of holes but holds water?



There's an empty box that weighs 20lbs. What do you put in it to make it 18lbs?



Finally, which question below is the best one to say derp after reading?


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