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Money Hungry

This test is trying to see how well you read Money Hungry and to test your brain, so you do good.


Is it True or False that Sharon G. Flake is the author of Money Hungry?



When and where does the story takes place?



In Money Hungry who is the maim charcter introduced in the book?



From begining to end how does Raspberry undergo change(what does she learn)?



Which of the five words best describes Raspberry Hill?



What are Ja'nae,Mai, Zora,and Ms.Hill's relationship towards Raspberry?



What is Raspberry's central issue in the story?



What was Raspberry'sturning point in the story?



What are the three major events in the begining of the story?



How does the problem get solved?



Is it True or False that the three major events in the middle if the story is Ja'nae stealing money from her grandma and getting a loan from Raspberry, her mom dating her Zora's dad, and her for the first time like a boy which is Sato?



Is it True or false that the three major events at the end of the story is Raspberry and her mother get stole from, almost everyone hating her for just being greedy for money, and finally get their life on track and getting her friends back after paying them money?



What is the theme of book Money Hungry?


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