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Zombie Survival Test

I'm trying to see who out there would really be prepared for such an event, and so many of these tests are unproffesional so I've decided to make an organized test for serious people.


All the power has just shut off and your now alone in your house, a look outside your window shows a normal, pleasant neighbor hood. Bu then, suddenly a person is trugding past, except you see their face is discolored and blood is all over their tattered clothes. A loud crash sounds behind you and you see what lookings like a walking copse coming, only five feet away, directly at you, what do?



You've managed to escape your first encounter with the zombie and are now in your car speeding through town. You jerk to a stop as a teenager stumbles into your way. He's frozen in front of your car headlights, he seems to be splattered with blood and dirt. What do you do?



Its been one week since the infection started and you're now traveling with two other people. Unfortunatly, your car, of which you stole, has just broken down and your low on food. The rations might last a week, but you've got no ammo for your gun. What do you do?



Traveling through town one of your best teammates has gotten bit, luckily you and the others have managed to find shelter, but the area around their bit has gotten a bruisish swollen color and is seeping puss. The group doesn't know yet, what do you do?



You and the group have stumbled upon a stronghold outside a large wooded area. It could have other survivors, or possibly even food, but it could also hold a plethora of zombies. What do you do?



You and the group has found what seems to be a old bar in the middle of now where. As you approach the bar you hear rockous noise inside,it sounds human, and it could be useful as a living area for a long time, you'd be able to see any zombies that approach over the wide flat area and its even close to a nearby lake, what do you do?



Your group is stuck in a building, stranded on the roof, zombies are raging below and you are running out of time fast. What do you do?



A member of your group, a small girl, has gotten sick with a burning fever. You'd heard some rumors from the others that they come back after death itself, not just a bite, and your positive she won't make it through the night, what do you do?



The group has stumbled upon a city. Theres been news that zombies have been ravaging the cities, but its your only way through, what do you do?



You have been taken and are being held hostage by a dangerous biker clan, they'll most definitly kill you if your caught escaping but you think they'll kill you anyways, what do you do?


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