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minecraft survival

This test will show you how well you are at minecraft. If you don't like it than make one yourself


You spawn on a small island and looking around to get your bearings you see four different biomes, that are on four different "islands". Which one do you head for?



You are heading to the biome you choose. Do you stay near the water or head in deep and hope there is a pond or lake?



After deciding where to stay, what material shoud you get first?



You have gotten a good amount of your material and start to build your shelter. How big should it be for now?



You've made your house and put some essentials inside (bed, chest, furnace, and crafting table). You notice that your hunger bar is low and that you have some meat but no way to cook it. But the problem is that it's sunset and the nearest peice of coal, which you noticed earlier, is a good 50 blocks away. Do you go get the coal or is there another way?



You survived (surprisingly)! Now it is the next day and you are weaponless. What should you make?



You have waited and survived a few more days. During these days you have stocked up a bit. You now have food, tools, and an excess of wood and stone. Now you want to improve your house. A)What to make it out of B) Where to make it C) how large?



Your home has been improved and you have become bored. You have the need to explore and stay busy. What do you take with you?



You have arrived back home and collected a good amount of rare minerals. You have 13 diamonds and some gold ore and a few obsidian you collected after your pick broke. What can you do with the diamonds to help your survival?



You have done enough to satisfy yourself for now. What is your next move?


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