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The Can I Run A Business Test

Your answers are matched to someone who's been there, done that, and seen them come and go

1) I want to run my own business because

It will get me girls (guys)
It will get me a new car
Its easy
I don't like authority
I am a natural leader of people
I believe I can do something positive for people

2) The idea behind owning a business is

To make as much money as you can
Making a profit no matter what
Making a profit while helping people
avoiding income tax
getting women (men)
getting a new car

3) I want to have

no employees
1-3 employees
4-10 employees
11-50 emplyees
51-100 employees
101+ employees

4) When you own a business, you can expect

An honest days work for an honest days pay
twice the work for half the pay
twice the pay for 4 times the work
no pay
half the work for half the pay
I don't care

5) when I run my business, I plan on working

hardly at all
1-10 hours a week
10-30 hours a week
40 hours a week
41-50 hours a week
51-60 (or more) hours a week

6) True or False: I hate selling


7) True or False: Nothing happens until someone sells something


8) When I am working with customers, I want to:

Get as much of their money as I can
Give them as much of my time as I can
Make as much money on them as I can
Get them to buy whatever I can sell them
Listen to their needs and help provide them service

9) When I am the boss, I will treat my employees

any way I want
with respect
like the followers they are
with contempt, unless they please me
like they are replaceable

10) Honesty is the best policy


11) When I run a business,

I won't take any risks
I will take wild risks
I will follow what everyone else does
I will take calculated risks

12) At the end of the day, its all about

eating on a day to day basis
being the boss
helping people
being the best I can be
Helping people be the best they can be

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Test by: BigBlue [ edit ]

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