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The Chabad Chassidish Test

Basically...since I am bored and want to know how many people on the internet think they are 'chassidish', I am now creating this test.

1) Do you say chitas every day?

I try to
Most days
Yeah, right

2) How often do you write a letter to the Rebbe?

Once a month
Once a week
What are you, a tzfati?
Ummm...on chassidishe yamim tovim
I'm not up to there yet
Whenever I feel a need to.

3) When was the last time you were at a farbrengen?

The last shabbos mevarchim
The last chassidishe yom tov
Last year
I don't like farbrengens
Who goes to those things anyways?
The last time there was one!

4) Do you have a mashpia?

Not yet, but IY"H soon
Yeech! Who wants a mashpia?
I write to the Rebbe, why do I need one?
I have one...but we lost contact

5) How many times a day do you daven?


6) Do you say Rambam?

Sefer Hamitzvos
One Perek
Three Perakim
Not there yet
When I have time, I try to
Rambam? Since when do you have to say that?

7) Do you read non-Jewish materials?

Yes, what's wrong with it?
Yes, but I screen it very carefully, and only when I have no choice.
Only the news.
Very rarely.
I try not to...but sometimes it sneaks in.

8) How often do you learn a sicha?

Once a week
Once a month
Whenever I see an opportunity
Twice a month
I learn a little a day
Only when my mashpia makes me!

9) Have you memorized any Tanya?

One or two perakim
Waste of tiime....
Three to five perakim
I'm too lazy
I memorized it and then forgot it
More than five perakim

10) Do you think the Rebbe is proud of you?

I hope so...
No, why should he be?
Who cares?
I try to make him proud....
I'm a proud chassid-wannabe...not a chassid yet, but trying really hard!
I would like to think so, but the truth is, probably not!

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Test by: Chanie [ edit ]

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