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Bar - Three Mice In A Bar

Three mice are sitting in a bar, throwing back some brewskis after a long day searching for cheese. After a few drinks, two of the mice start getting a little rowdy. They begin making large boasts about their strength, intellect, etc.
"I'm so strong," the first mouse says, "when I see a mousetrap, I don't run. I set it off with my foot and use the bar to do bench presses."
The second mouse laughs and says "Well I'm so tough, when I find rat poison, I take some of it home with me so I can mix it in with my coffee in the morning to get a buzz before work."
The third mouse remains silent. After the two look at him expectantly, he just yawns and yes, "I don't got time for this bullcrap. I gotta get home and bang the cat."

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